
Sunday, 26 July 2009

Then He Does Dallas

UPDATED 26/07/09 - Commentary after the videos
I'm almost caught up! Hope to be putting in the recaps from tomorrow. There are just so many videos to watch and not enough hours in the day. Here's my selection of the best ones from Dallas:

Adam was back with his slicker Elvis-like hairdo, which better shows off his cheekbones. I guess he's itching to change up his look a bit. I think the hair makes him look more confident and works well with WLL and the Bowie medley, but I think the other hairstyle works better for MW and Starlight. As his hair is getting longer, I'm getting a little concerned that it's forming a proto-mullet because you can see the start of a tail at the back. Even Adam cannot make me like the worst hairdo ever invented, ever. Seriously, the only thing worse than a mullet is if it's permed and comes with a comb-over.

WLL was the 'Baby' version again. It's been quite some time since he last sang 'Woman' but there were other lyrical changes. It was vocally awesome and he added a quick cheeky twirl up the steps. Starlight saw a bit more fiddling with his earpiece that I found distracting, but there were no issues this time in singing this very challenging song. I noticed that in SR, Adam started doing Allison's move, which is to wave her hand in the air every time he hits a high note. It's cute and I wonder if it's a shared joke between them. I liked that Life On Mars started off in a less dramatic voice than usual. There was ignored underwear thrown onto the stage as I think Adam is a little cautious about handling anything apart from bras. A rippling arms dance move was included as well as going for a sip of water. I felt that after a couple of days' rest, this set had renewed vitality with smoother vocals.


  1. Adam's Bowie Medley Performance gave me everything I wanted...ahhh.... satisfaction :)

  2. Great performance. Thank you. But.....
    "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" !!
