
Thursday, 29 April 2010

GLAAD to Have Adam

After all the bullshit from GLAAD in the aftermath of the AMAs, it was very satisfying for Adam to have been invited to perform at these awards and I guess it serves as both a show of support, and an apology. I was excited as to whether he would really camp it up in terms of appearance and performance. My questions were answered when he graced the red carpet in a dashing suit. I still had hopes he would dial up the outrageousness for the performance but as he strutted on stage, he looked as sharp as ever in a bejewelled suit. Here's the playlist:

Despite Adam's best efforts, the audience lacked a pulse. It's frustrating to see such a conservative reception that doesn't quite seem to know how to respond to him. The songs were performed very dramatically with stellar vocals to match. I enjoy the choreography with the dancers in Fever as I think adds to the fun and helps to generate energy both on- and off-stage. And I find myself much more amused than I should be at that renegade tuft of hair breaking loose from the pompadour.

He finishes by getting a little political, but I think his point is a very valid one because it's something that has affected his career so far. It seems that there are a number of parties who want him to represent them but at the same time want to box him into a stereotype that they see fit in perpetuating. I agree with Adam that it's time to blast those boxes into smithereens.


  1. I was there... close to the stage. Was the only one standing :( It seemed to me it was partly jealousy in the reception he got. Our table was all male couples ('cept for hubby and I). Guy beside me said he didn't want to feed Adam's ego anymore than it was...I got an appreciative nod and smile from Adam. The audience did stand and respond to Fever, the last song, really how can you not? But mostly I think Aftermath or Broken Open would have fit the tone of the evening better. A mom had just been on telling of the murder of her gay 17 year old son. Along with other stories of ignorance and hardships and the whole purpose of the evening... it may have been too upbeat too soon.

  2. Thanks for the context - helps somewhat. As a straight woman I just think Adam as an artist is way ahead of the curve for all politically correct hardliners - Adam is a post-gender performance artist. He plays himself playing the songs and the characters drawn from the lyrics. He's smart, articulate and he's made up his mind not to be anybody's political tool. Unfortunately, we may lose him to the UK and Europe because this puritanical county ( which I happen to love in spite of itself) is still publicly hypocritical and privately sinful and just doesn't get it about sexuality. I want to live to see gender be a non-issue - we're all both!

  3. AB-How was seeing him in real life? Frances-your comment about he "plays himself playing the songs" is so perfect....I absolutely LOVE how he IS himself and watching us watching him all at the same time. One moment that especially made me laugh in delight was during WLL at Fantasy Springs when he faces his band singing--and then very deliberately wiggles his bottom -- and the crowd goes wild and he (I'm quite sure) was having a giggle--and yet he was also giving this unworldy, brilliant performance. He is post-gender--and that is what is so delicious about him. The reaction at GLAAD just weirds me out...although I think the suggestion re Aftermath is a great one. Why isn't he playing that more often? I was so proud of him for calling out for celebration of diversity in the queer community and BEYOND! I'm one dyke who would have been on my feet dancing and screaming!The diversity on this blog is part of what makes it so fun.

  4. When I first saw shots of the audience I was stunned. The vibe to me, was bordering on hostility.

    I grew up at the tail end of left-wing feminist politics at university and the pressure to conform to a particular paradigm was pervasive. To this day, some of my friends feel the next generation, who, just like Adam, are rejecting someone else's vision and labels and claiming the right to define themselves as individuals, lack respect for the people who fought battles for themselves and future generations. Anonymous - I think partly jealousy is spot on - and so glad you were rewarded with a smile.

    Although it's a different context, I'm so glad Adam has been shown the love at Sydney's Mardi Gras (I live in Sydney) and now in London.

    Idahophoenix - one of the videos shot from the side at Fantasy Springs clearly shows Adam looking at Monte and giggling at that point in his performance. Then he turns around and is back in "character".

    AB I too was obsessing about the stray locks!! And congratulations on turning one (Nikki)

  5. Dear AB, can not wait to read your recap of Adamperience; pls make it very very detailed!!!
    In the mean time, I would like to show off with my tiny, beautiful country on the other side of the globe – New Zealand, population of approx 4mil. FYE album was available in store on 23rd of November, soon after album went gold, followed by FYE and WWFM singles. FYE has been on Top40 video chart ( for the past 19 weeks; granted, it was never at the top, but only few other songs have lasted that long. WWFM has been on 10 weeks and it’s on 8th place at the moment. It is no.2 on “Air play” (10 weeks), FYE is featured on “Now 32”. FYE album is no.10 on top 40 albums (20 weeks)….
    So, yesterday at work, I’m happily plodding along, radio in the background, when I hear “If I had You” ; I jump like lunatic and scream “if I had you, if I had you!!!!” (got few looks from people around me, did a bit of explaining..)….. and than they played it again, and today twice (that I know of) – so in total, you would hear in one day (8am-4pm) at least one FYE, two WWFM and now two IIHY. That is more Glambert on the radio than any other singer, including GaGa……….. I am so proud!!!!!!!!! I hope that Adam will reward us with a concert, cos I’m thinking of going to USA, but few venues that I did try to book were all sold out??!!! Huh….this is my little rant, I feel like a proud mum. Plus (cos people around me know about my Adam passion/obsession) everyone who watched, very highly complemented his Idol WWFM!!!!

  6. Anonymous, thank you so much for your added observations. It certainly helps us to understand and put into perspective his reception. Maybe it was a bit of a miscalculation to choose those songs. When I think of award ceremonies, I think of a celebratory mood over what's been achieved rather than one of sad reflection. It's something Adam can keep in mind for next time.
    Nice one for standing up and trying to liven up the party! Must have felt a little awkward being the only one though, so glad Adam appreciated it.

    Francess40, good points, I believe that Adam will help to speed up the progression and I'm especially proud of the way that he's never caved in to pressure nor made apologies. I hope the US will soon arrive at the point where they are blasé when it comes to issues of gender and sexuality. For selfish reasons I would happily have him lost to us here though. It feels like our sensibilities here are more in tune with Adam's.

    Idahophoenix, it didn't quite feel real seeing him live after a year of waiting. It all went by so quickly but the full write-up will follow soon.
    I love that he just plays on stage and visibly gets kicks out of thrilling his audiences.
    Another song that seems to have been ignored so far is Pick U Up. I wonder when we'll see a performance of that. I think Masterplan could also have been a good choice for the awards as well.

    Nikki, I wonder if the hostility you perceive - in addition to a certain amount of jealousy - has something to do with people like Hicklin who want a poster boy but are frustrated that Adam doesn't quite fit the bill for not being like them enough to represent them. Or could they have just been stunned?

    Anonymous (NZ), it's coming soon! There's so much I've written and I haven't even finished yet so it needs whittling down.
    Thank you for bringing over the chart, (and your enthusiasm!), I'm so pleased that Adam has been so well-received there and hope he visits soon. You have good reason to feel proud!
    When is IIHY getting released in NZ? Adam's first single FYE has only just been released here so I haven't heard much of it yet. I'm sure my reaction will be similar to yours though!
    Thanks for all the info, it's so satisfying to hear about Adam's world domination. And well done on getting some Glamverts on board! Good luck in getting concert tickets, I'm crossing my fingers for you.


    This is a link to one of Adam's fan sites here in the US. Sometimes fans get extra tickets, someone can't go, ect., so this site had the brilliant idea of having a fan sale/ticket exchange, no scalping. so we could help each other get tickets w/out paying exorbitant prices. Maybe this will help you find some tickets, NZ fan. If link doesn't work, it is

  8. LolaGlamb, thanks for the link, it's a good idea and I hope every fan can get to see him for a fair price.
