SHORTS!!! Below-the-knee rocker length, but that still comes as quite the shock. There's still daylight and the weather's hot so it's a logical choice. The trashy loud vest with dollar signs however, isn't. Still you have to love that Adam doesn't take himself too seriously, and this is one of those hilarious WTF? outfits that works in setting a fun mood.
The set starts with a funky-as-hell Trespassing, leading into a camp theatrical Kickin' In. Shady is still my favourite for getting down to and Adam performs it cheekily. WWFM is the big dramatic version and has a lovely ending where his voice is a sweet flutter. Chokehold has sublime vocals sung with his stank face for much of the time, with a light ending floating over the instruments.
Adam tries to get crowd singing his riffs, but ends up taking the piss. As if a normal person could hit those notes. I assume this is to get the sound and echo right for Broken English. I've run out of ways to describe Adam's voice but here it's bluesy and just phenomenal. Tommy does a good job with the guitar solo. Next up is Naked Love which has an uplifting energy with Adam's giggle and encouragement of audience participation. I think I'm getting used to the ending now as I'm getting less fussy about the absence of a big finish. The surprise song is IIHY, which hasn't been done for a while. It sounds a bit different during the chorus with the bass less electronic and more funky. There are some nice vocal variations. I'm really getting to enjoy the excitement of NCOE live. It looks like Adam was never quite happy with the sound and the final run of notes is very flat. The set ends with Cuckoo and the band intros, with creative riffs over bridge.
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