
Thursday, 14 May 2009

Top 3 Results

We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief for now as Adam has made it to the final and we get to see a more of him. I'd been checking the Dialidol predictions before the results show and even though Adam was a few points in front, it didn't stop me from fretting because it's not particularly accurate. I'd never rooted for any contestant like I've done for Adam and the wait was agonising. As I've become more emotionally invested throughout the weeks, it's been increasingly nail-biting.

When it was showtime, he wore a striped top under a black leather jacket teamed up with dark jeans. He seemed quite happy but I'm sure he must have been shitting his pants just like the rest of us. I was expecting to find out the result right at the end of the show and for Danny to go home. Apparently there were 88 million votes cast, with the gap between the top two being a close 1 million votes.

The advert this week was a little odd, with Adam being turned into a cartoon character that threw a piece of meat at some hungry scary looking dogs. I wasn't digging the stone-coloured shirt he wore, which looked like he'd just gotten up from a dirty stopout after a heavy night out it was so creased. And it was a little too small as well. I'm sure he cannot seriously be a medium size like he says when it comes to clothes, being over 6ft tall.

When it came to introducing the homecoming clips, the contestants got called one by one from backstage. Danny got called first which made me nervous that he might be declared safe then we would have to have the excruciating wait to find out who would join him. Massive relief after the clip when he was just sent to sit down.

Although I'd seen so much footage already from the homecoming, I was wondering how the producers would edit the footage to present Adam. The other clips showed Kris and Danny at very big events with huge crowds. Adam was the last one to be called in amongst a cacophony of screaming fans, which took quite a long time to quieten down. He responded particularly well to Ryan's questions, his elocution really standing out after the the other contestants' bumbling. His answers were interesting and he gave us a charming giggle when asked about his streaker.

The video was filled with Adam being pursued by lots of squeeing fans and giddy presenters falling all over him. The clip started off with the fun bits to the soundtrack of BTBW, which included Adam applying makeup to the weather girl, his python boots and his stint at TV presenting and a radio slot. A cute moment included Adam giving a tween girl a hug and a funny moment when a slightly scary granny pressed up against the window of his limo to try to get a glimpse. There were hordes of people chasing down him down. A more sentimental section started with a visit to Adam's old theatre group to the sound of Come Home. I enjoyed his introduction when he talked to the camera and think he could add presenting to his plethora of talents. It was very touching because it was a low-key, personal audience with the kids only. He dedicated the visit especially to help and inspire them and give something back. Even a truckload of fluffy kittens have nothing on the cuteness and 'Aw' factor that his interaction with the kids had. It could seriously melt Antarctica and drown us all. The next part showed Adam going to an audience in his old high school which surprisingly included footage of the streaker, and to the air base which included a snippet of his beautiful rendition of the national anthem in front of a huge American flag.

I thought the clip was the best of the three because it really showed his altruistic side whereas the others were a little more self-absorbed in their new-found fame. He looked so happy and enthusiastic throughout. There were no cheesy happy family clips and only his mother was featured, wiping away a tear of pride.

When Ryan read out the summary, I felt a terrible sense of foreboding, afraid that there might be a shock boot. Adam looked nervous too, taking in a deep breath, but a huge wave of relief washed over me when he was asked to go join the others on the couch. I hate this freaking show! Just before Katy Perry came on, Danny was describing how he just wanted to cut straight to the results, and Adam very excitedly blurted out 'I wanna see Katy Perry!' and he and Kris both cracked up. It was a funny fanboy moment and whether intentional or not, he showed Danny up in an unfavourable light. Katy Perry was so OTT and her blatant endorsement on the cape of her Elvis ensemble just made me laugh so hard. An Adam-Kris mention needs to be made of Kris wearing nail varnish on the only nail that Adam didn't:

When it was finally time, there was a bit of banter between Adam and Kris before Kris was completely shocked to be declared safe. There was a big hug from Adam, who then went on to Danny for an awkward hug. For the final announcement, Adam pulled a nervous face before grabbing Danny to put his arm around, then hid his expression by facing the floor. Adam's reaction to being declared safe was a priceless 'Oh!' and he covered his eyes with one hand, then the rest of his face with the other. It was a heart-melting moment to see Adam suddenly lose his cool to show such emotion. I squealed with joy as I watched him, hands on head in delighted surprise. Judging by that reaction, I think he was expecting to go home. I'm guessing he probably Googled himself after his performances to find a fairly cool reception. From a previous interview, he said he thought he was too alternative to win, and we're aware that he wanted to use AI to get more work. I wonder if or when he started to allow himself to believe he could win. In his last confessional, he said it was possibility and I've been convinced that he's wanted it, but I don't think he truly believes it. He seemed more excited about making an album than anything else. Towards the end of the show during Danny's swansong, the camera shot to Adam who had a sad, stern expression on his face. I wonder what was on his mind, whether he was thinking about winning. We all know he's made of it.

1 comment:

  1. I have never followed an artist's journey quite as eagerly as I am following Adam's. I am shocked as how drawn I am to Glambert.

    Speaking of glam, I love his Upright Cabaret performances, because it's just Adam and no glam except his exceptional vocal ability which is more glam that I could ever take in. He is the only singer that when he sings I could not do anything else except follow his every move and anticipate the next. I just don't know how we are going to micro-analyze Adam-ness post-AI.

    I came across your blog last week and I must say bravo! You capture every moment that I watch and think about and articulate it so brilliantly.
    I would like to thank you for sharing your obsessions with us!

    addicted to Adam
