
Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Leno Plucking Adam Out

I watched Leno in a very happy frame of mind after finding out Adam's album sales figures for the week, which were much higher than what I'd been expecting. Adam had already been a part of a few of Leno's sketches leading up to the appearance so I was looking forward to seeing the interaction between them.

I was amused by the house band's attempt to play FYE at Adam's entrance without any electronic effects, and the hug he gave Leno reminded me of the one he gave Randy Travis. Adam's look was the most casual I'd seen of late - no leather, not glam, and even slightly grungy. It most closely resembled that from the TFM video. There was plenty of make-up though, and I liked the jewellery, especially the snake.

The interview itself was one of the most enjoyable so far, talking about Adam's past and his family. He was so natural at endearing us to his human side and his voice impressions were funny. The pregnant pause and mischievous expression after Jay's emphasis on 'plucked' was a classic, and the 'safe plucking' response was hilarious, leaving us in no doubt once again as to his lightning-quick wit. It was reassuring that Jay was fanboying all over Adam, unable to resist touching him. One with lesser integrity and articulation skills may have nodded along and agreed with Jay's cynical take over the AMA furore, but it was admirable that Adam consistently continued to take responsibility for his actions. I loved the little sarcastic mention of Billy O'Reilly with a twinkle in the eye. I'm really curious to see them head-to-head, and whether he'd be able to resist Adam's charm.

Monte returned with the bejewelled guitar, with the foggy atmosphere and lighting Mad World-like. It was another beautiful and solid performance with a few changes like a low 'Please don't give in'. It just keeps improving. There was another back-to-back moment with Tommy but the camera went towards Lisa for the synth break. The sound mix was good and this was one of the best vocals of WWFM so far. Not glitzy, not angry, not sad but assured, very natural, understated and quietly confident.

I'll leave you the tweet of mine you liked the most, and as promised, part of the best plucking episode of Rainbow, a children's TV show - well worth watching for its innnuendo.


  1. amazing performance

  2. Still at work, but it's luchtime. I enjoy reading all ur tweets. Funny & cute. Im can't wait to get home and watch the actual performace. Looking at your comments, they sound v.good.
    Tnks AB 4 all ur affords & time. Get some good sleeps & sweet dreams.
    ~K (k65535)

  3. What a wonderful interview - Leno is so normal. And no mention of the G word. Adam finally talking about family, etc. The world seeing him for what caused our addiction in he first place, his talent, looks, charm, charisma and intelligence. It breaks my heart when he calls himself a freak - the only freakish thing is all of those attributes rolled onto one package! Lets hope people get hooked on this song which is obviusly what his people are trying to make happen. Adam Bombed, love your site
    Anonymous 5

  4. What a great interview & performance, but damn, I always want more...Just love to hear Adam talk with intelligent people.
    Have a wonderful Christmas AB, much love to you.

  5. (from australia), thanks AB for latest on Adam. I really enjoy reading your comments & readers responses - AB your attention to detail with all things about Adam is beyond description - love it! You are definately a talented writer. Hope you enjoy the festive season and looking forward to more adam!

  6. Hi again Adam Bombed - just catching up with your other posts as well. Am now a fan of Leno! - what a great interview - loved the way he called out the networks for what they do and I really feel he positioned this interview to deliberately show Adam in a different light. Agree that the performance is getting better and better. Loooove this song now. And your tweet was as quick-witted as Adam's plucking fabulous one!! Isn't it a relief that the focus is back on this gorgeous man and his music again? Have a great Christmas - Nikki

  7. Did anyone notice how Adam's body language changed when Jay started to bring up the controversy of the AMAs? He put some distance between himself and Jay. I loved Adam's reaction to the subject of being 'plucked', priceless! What is there left to say about Adam and his band, I love every performance. Rhosan

  8. AB, he is beautiful. Luv the way he answer the question & especially his laugh. WWFM is great but I do wish he get to play other songs sometimes. Anyway, thanks 4 your write up. Merry Christmas to AB & all the glamberts.
    ~K (k65535)

  9. Hey Adam Bombed;

    Funny how a year ago, we didn't know this beautiful fellow, and suddenly we are under his spell.

    I mentioned to you a while ago that my mom was very sick and that my obsession was keeping me sane. I lost her this week, and truly, if I did not have a happy distraction, I would be in the the loony bin by now. Thank you for keeping the Adam flame alive. It's so nice to have a common bond, er, obsession with you on the other side of the pond. Take care and have a wonderful holiday season.

  10. Lynn, I'm so sad and sorry to hear about your mom. Sending you light and strength and hugs and willing you to get through this most difficult time. I've sometimes hated myself for this obsession but it has also been a means to cover the pain and it's been a pleasure to share it with you. I hope you continue to find solace in the Adam space so that the pain will ease somewhat. I'll be thinking of you.

  11. AB; Thanks so much - your words mean so much. I look forward to more Adamliciousmania in the new year!

  12. Lynn, So sorry for your lost.
    Take care. ~K xxxooo

  13. Anonymous, his performances just keep getting more and more amazing, don't you think?

    k65535, thanks and hope you've enjoyed the festive season. The next performance will be a long set from Gridlocked and although it won't be televised, I'm sure there'll be plenty of videos for us to enjoy.

    Anonymous 5, wasn't it wonderful to get an interview that talked about different things? I loved that he talked a bit about his family. During AI, they weren't featured as much as the other contestants' and when they were, they had to pretend to play happy families even though his parents are divorced. I don't understand why they had to pretend to be a nuclear family when that's not really the norm any more.
    I actually feel very proud when he calls himself a freak. By flying his freak flag high, I think he has the ability to remove the negative connotations of the word.

    Adamspirit, hope you had a fab Christmas. I would have liked if they could have talked for longer. They seemed to have a good rapport which made the interview great.

    From Australia, I guess that's the nature of obsession! Thanks for coming here to share in it with us.

    Nikki, hope you had a great Christmas! Agree with your comments. I have a feeling that Leno is a Glambert himself and did his homework by watching Adam's recent interviews. He knew how to avoid retreading old territory and understands where we're coming from which made it a great interview for fans.
    Did you like the plucking Rainbow clip?

    Rhosan, I hadn't consciously noticed that, thanks! You are so right, he shifts his position as if to say 'Here we go again,' but he dealt with it so well.

    Lynn, Adamliciousmania - love it! Hope the new year will bring plenty of joy.

  14. Plucking Brilliant! Don't know how you manage to get everything together as you do. And Rainbow - 1 skin 2 skin.........Hilarious X (D)
