
Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Adam's Cock-or-two on Ellen

Adam is a bundle of infectious joy in this performance, decked out as a glam hippie in shiny bell-bottoms, reminding me a little of the PTFM look. They would probably be another be another talking point, were it not for the shirt left untucked. The dancing is great throughout and brings a lot of energy onto the stage. The backing track vocals sound a little dissonant at points but he nails the live vocal, which is awesome. It looks like he might have given in to singing some of the 'd-d-d-do' parts despite saying that he wouldn't when we eavesdropped on his rehearsal. Bring on the party!

The interview feels so much more of a happy affair compared to the first time he was on the show. Adam seems so much more confident and the charm is on display as he cheekily sneaks in some smut.


  1. Yeah, it's not his Cock-a-too and on top of it, it was "temperamental", perhaps being a little Diva? Muahaha - he sounds really happy, energized and basically like a person who had a good night's somethin'(either sleep or somethin' else). I am sure the Red Bull (+ vodka?) helped too, he never leaves home/car without it. And his mom was all smiles :-) You guys made my morning! And for the record - i have a phobia and I absolutely HATE birds! And feathers... unless the bird in question is nicely cooked and the feathers have been properly disposed of (see Adam's pictures from Indio about proper feather disposal).
    Lil, aka lnf001

  2. Lil, I see what exactly you're thinking, bwahahaha! He did seem so much chirpier than usual so you're probably right. What a strange phobia you have! Do you also dislike the sound of birdsong too?
