
Sunday, 11 July 2010

Glam Nation: Cleveland

Adam is sporting a different hairdo for this concert and it looks so strangely normal and flat. Not my favourite, but we see lots of glittery torso as only the last two buttons of that shirt are managing to cling on. Tommy flirts with Adam, spanking him at the start of Fever. Sleepwalker is yet another passionate vocal with a brilliant guitar solo from Monte. Adam jokes about the spotlight/searchlight fail at the start of Aftermath. I get the feeling that the crowd is a little lacklustre as Adam has to urge them to get up and dance after SFW. Perhaps remembering dropping the cane in Knoxville, he refrains from twirling it at the start of Strut. I'd like to hear Tommy change up his bass solo as it's been virtually the same at every single stop, but the dance with Brooke is extra fun. It feels like there's quite a gaping hole at the end of the set with the absence of WLL. I guess Adam just wasn't quite feeling it.


  1. AB - am enjoying the ever plunging neckline!! I think you're right about the energy at Cleveland - didn't inspire him to do WLL - so they got what they deserved (or not).

    Life has been pretty busy lately - so I haven't been leaving many comments - just wanted you to know I'm still loving your recaps and vids. Good luck with the competition. (Nikki)

  2. Nikki, I wonder how low it's going to go, especially as the summer heats up. Hey, we might even get a wardrobe malfunction! Thanks for showing your appreciation even though you're busy.

  3. It was a lack-luster crowd at Cleveland. Everyone had a seat, and it was like they were all just watching s show on TV, or a movie, instead of interacting. Give me a standing room only crowd, anytime. At one point... when he asked us to stand and dance, I stood (we were in the balcony) and there were only a small handful who joined me.. Oh, well. The floor right in front of the stage was more into it. There were good cheers, and applause, and I do think the crowd enjoyed the show. He was in very good voice, after a day of rest, and I really appreciated that. Did miss WLL, and I believe he just didn't want to expend the effort for that crowd. We've made it to 3 concerts..wish there could be many more. Love him more than ever!! Thank you so much for this site!! It is my favorite. No other site is as RICH In content as this. The "historical" bits are especially appreciated :-) I love reliving this past year and a half, from the 1st audition for AI, all the way up to today. Thank you for your hard work and dedication... oh, scratch that!!! all your hard work and OBSESSION!!!
