

Welcome, and thank you for dropping in on my obsession.

This site is an opinion-based blog, chronicling the personal rollercoaster ride of being an Adam Lambert fan since my discovery of him on American Idol in April 2009. It contains all his music and performances during that time and more, with my reviews, written articles, musings, artwork and creations inspired by him.

This is not an Adam Lambert news site, so to catch up on all the latest media, sightings and gossip, please visit the links in the sidebar.

If you have any suggestions about the site design, content or anything else, feel free to leave me comment below. In the meantime, enjoy the ride with me!


  1. Stumbled into this blog and love your commentary on the various performances - I love hearing opinion from someone who listens to music and Adam's music as seriously as I do myself. Love it! I'm looking for a decent accoustic of Cuckoo that is not trimmed (as if Tommy's guitar doesn't warrant full consideration!). If you know one, let me know: lichenraig at yahoo dot com. Thanks so much and keep up the wonderful posting!

    1. Lichen, thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like to read my posts as well as watch the videos. Here are all the Cuckoo performances so far if that helps you. The Z100 Portland is one of probably a few that have the full intro.

  2. I came to this website for help. I thought I was the only one like this. I'm glad to find you guys.
