Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year, New Look, New Site

I'd like to wish you all the very best for 2012. I hope you like the new look site. The glam space theme felt a bit dated and doesn't reflect where Adam is now so I thought it necessary to give it a makeover. It has a bleaker, rawer feel to line up with the new era.

You haven't heard much from me recently because I've been working on a companion site Adam Lambert Performances. It's a blog with videos of every single Adam Lambert performance, where there are no opinions, no photos, no gossip and no bullshit. You could say it's a sterile version of this, where Adam's performances alone make all the necessary statements.

Why? I hear you ask. Well I wanted to create somewhere for potential fans to watch Adam Lambert's body of work without being put off by ardent fan behaviour or tabloid gossip. If you want to introduce someone to Adam with an open mind, send them over. If you have music snob friends who can't get past certain things, send them over. It's meant as an objective reference with focus on factual details rather than emotional responses and opinions. I hope you'll find it a useful addition to the vast riches of Adam sites you frequent.

Adam Lambert Performances

This site will still be running in parallel and I'll be adding my commentary here when I can. 2012 promises to be an exciting year assuming it doesn't mean the end of the world, and even if that's the case, at least we'll have TfM to put a positive spin on things! Thank you for your support and I look forward to enjoying Adam's new music and performances with you all in the new year.


  1. Great work Babe!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, barbed wire is pretty bleak LMAO Loving the idea of the "sterile" site - well done and thanks for all you do for Adam and the fandom. So looking forward to this year.

  2. Wow this is a great site!! Thank you.

  3. Your site looks great and appropriate to Adam's current outlook. Especially love the banner. Almost didn't notice his face in the center. Those eyes....

  4. Glad you're still around. I was wondering. My computer has been messed up and everything is slower. Don't have the state of the art equipment that we would like. Money's going to other things. But I have ordered two of Adam's cds and plan to order more as gifts in the next couple of months. I am really touched by Adam's love for Sauli. I feel blessed that he feels that he can share those feelings with us. I wish you a very Happy New Year and a very Lambert wonderland. Sandy, Wismiss3 twitter

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  6. So this is what you've been busy with ! Well done, I can just about deal with the basics. Missed you so much XXX(Denise)

  7. Always Loving You & One Of Your Biggest Fans @Lambosessed !! Love the face lift looks good on you & Adam :) XoXoXo's baby <3

  8. Thanks Soaked, Anon, acadiacate66, Sandy, Syed, Denise, moonchild0628! Really appreciate all the encouraging comments for this latest labour of obsession. It's going to be an exciting year!

  9. Both sites look incredible. You are enormously important to Adam's fans. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks AD! Glad to see you're still here after all this time. You must be one of my earliest readers! Have a fantastic year too, I think it's going to be a very exciting one for Adam fans.
