
Monday 8 August 2011


I was unable to stay up to watch a live stream Adam Lambert on VH1's Behind the Music but here are all the videos and bonus clips with some brief comments:

As we'd already seen from the teaser trailers, we knew there was going to be a lot of coverage about Adam's sexuality but I still didn't expect it to feature so heavily that it would be more like "Behind the Gay" with so little about the music. Having said that, his sexuality has played a major part in shaping him as a performer and as a role model, the show giving out lots of positive messages about coming out.

Apart from watching Adam looking very fresh-faced and speaking softly in his trademark articulate manner, the parts of the show I found myself most drawn to were those from his pre-Idol days. Not only because it's before I started following his every move, but for the insights and new footage of him singing and speaking as a youth. Hands up those of you who, like me, ended up playing some kind of mental photo-Bingo? How did you do? I think I had about 95% of the photos that were shown. The new ones were a splendid bonus for hardcore fans who struggled to learn anything new. As expected, there's the revisiting of old controversies and we got to hear a little more about how he felt as his "Oops" moment unfolded. There was a little bit about music and certain songs but I got the feeling it was edited so only the songs relevant to the way the show was spun - "Coming out = liberation and empowerment" - got a look in. It was satisfying to have it re-iterated that Glam Nation was a huge worldwide success.

I did enjoy watching the programme, especially the bonus clips. If I were a casual viewer, I'd think it paints Adam as a talented, intelligent and fascinating person with an interesting history (that we'd all like to know more about, with videos please!) but has ultimately worked hard to deservedly get to where he is. I'd think that the way he has dealt with his struggles without compromising himself or his integrity is admirable and I'd want to find out more about him, maybe even Google him from which I know with hindsight there'd be no return.

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